With the coronavirus outbreak, there’s so much that can feel out of our control. There are many unknowns. Yet this time can be an OPPORTUNITY to bring out the best of humanity:

– to take care of ourselves in ways that are truly nourishing – like slowing down to notice the sun rising in the morning, like setting aside time to call a friend for a chat, like getting off social media and doing yoga or going outside and connecting to Mother Nature.

– to reach out and take care of our neighbor – to take the risk and ask your elderly neighbor if they need anything, to watch a healthcare worker’s children while they work, to volunteer to deliver meals to the homebound.

– to shift the mainstream value of competition and myopic self-interest, and instead embrace values like collaboration, reciprocity, and inclusion.

– to remember that we are a part of something bigger, to return to a sense of belonging, and to embrace our sacred connection that we all – consciously or unconsciously – long for.

This virus can be an opportunity to bring out the best in humanity.  It can be an opportunity for us to be in solidarity with one another. And each of us has this opportunity before us.

Will we add to the light or add to the chaos?
Will we be a helper or a hoarder?
Will we add to the hope or add to the fear?
Will we be self-centered or be in solidarity with one another?

We have control over that. We each can do something about that.

I think of the advice Fred Rogers’ mom gave him when there was scary news, “Look for the helpers.”

Be a helper. Be a light. Be a loving presence for someone today.

I think of Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “In the midst of darkness, light persists.”

Our light can and will persist.  We are in this together.

So how do each of us do that?

Maybe you are worried about how your elderly parents are going to fair in this outbreak.  Maybe you are a parent with a child who has an underlying health condition.  Maybe you have anxiety and this is making it worse.  Maybe you are a healthcare worker and you have to stay physically and mentally healthy.  Maybe your work teams are looking to you to lead the way through this time.

How you start your day matters.

Start your day off centered and calm.  Before you turn on the news or get on your phone, give yourself a few minutes to “tune in.”  Nourish your inner environment.  Find the still place within you.  Contact it.  Connect to it.  It will ground you and fortify you – mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

I’ve created a special series just for these times.  When I think of what I can offer the world, it’s this: peaceful, soul-nourishing, every-cell-in-your-body-being-nourished poetic meditations for your mornings.  Calm in the Chaos is a four-week poetic meditation series.  I’ll send you a 4-9 minute guided audio meditation twice a week for four weeks.  Along with the meditation, I’ll also send you a short mindful practice to carry the calm into your day.

I want to nourish and resource you.  That is how we add to the vibration of hope and light in these times.  That is how we settle the collective anxiety.  That is how we emerge from this even stronger – individually and collectively as humanity.

Start your day feeling grounded.  Help to settle the anxiety in you.  Nourish the light and well-being within you.

You can listen to the introduction and welcome here:

Please join me.  You can sign up here.  I’ll share the first meditation on Monday, March 16.




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