Lisa gave me the foundational skills of an authentic inspiring leader.
Have you ever noticed the most inspiring leaders are those that are mindful, passionate, and know what they want? These leaders are authentic and integrate their passion into all aspects of their life. That’s what I wanted and that is why I found Lisa. Lisa’s coaching is a gift, her footprint on the world.
Lisa guides me to live and lead with purpose. Listening to understand, removing assumptions, setting realistic goals and boundaries, evaluating current reality, caring for my needs, finding joy, and understanding my authentic self; provide a solid foundation. Our coaching journey has resulted in authentic leadership, openness to new ideas, creative strategic thinking, joy, fun and fulfillment and yes - corporate success. I have developed the courage to say what I want/need in concise terms. Is it easy, no! But we acknowledge that too.
Lisa gave me the courage to ask for what I want and the skills for the next steps in my career. I feel authentic in my leadership and I have become a woman who knows what she wants in work and life. I lead with authenticity and purpose. Thank you, Lisa. I know we have more to accomplish together!
How often have you wondered if you really see yourself or allow yourself to be known, to be acknowledged, regarded, loved just as you are? My time spent with Lisa led to me giving myself permission to be fully seen, to say the things I judged myself for and I felt others would judge me for. Working with Lisa has helped me to let go, to just be, and to stand in my own power. She promised to hold space for me, I just had to make the same promise to myself.
Through my time with her, I have learned and continue to learn how to offer myself the compassion I immediately and so freely give to others. I am supported through her sessions, retreats she offers, and frequent publishing of her poetry and reactions and words of wisdom on world events that hit each of us in one way or another.
I stumbled upon Lisa’s work while googling one night and she has been one of the best gifts to my life.
To put it simply, Lisa gave me my life back. I have been through more therapy than I care to admit over the years, for various reasons at different points in my life, and the work I did with Lisa made a lasting and profound impact on me and my life. We did our work from opposite sides of the country and still we were able to connect and really dig deep into the issues I was having and my heart.
Lisa has a way of really being with you, of seeing all the “stuff” you are carrying around, how you are hurting, and what that hurt is doing to your whole system (mind body spirit). AND (this is the important part) she KNOWS how to speak to the part(s) of you that need tending to the most. With me she used meditation work, science, breath work, and gave me lessons in mindfulness that I continued (and continue) to use everyday.
The “returning to self” is how I like to think of the work Lisa did with me. She reminded me of who I have always been and helped me to see that I can let me be that person to the fullest. She gave me the courage to step forward. I will be eternally grateful for her and the work she did with me.
Lisa is one of the most powerful storytellers I have ever encountered. Lisa’s beautiful messages regarding self-compassion are incredibly healing, hopeful, and forgiving. When I read Lisa’s words, I feel like I am sitting face-to-face with a dear friend who knows the struggles of my heart. Lisa offers loving, non-judgmental, and highly achievable ways to bring mindful moments into daily life. Lisa’s loving offerings never fail to lift my spirits and improve my day. Our frantic, media-saturated, multi-tasking world needs Lisa’s calming voice of wisdom and hope. This is exactly why I included Lisa’s insights in my book about letting go of daily distraction to grasp the moments that matter.
I reached out to Lisa during an overwhelming and multifaceted transition in my life. I was seeking guidance and support as I began a new path in my professional life, at the same time that I started a new chapter in my personal life. I was feeling under-resourced, lacking energy, ultimately lacking the energy and confidence I needed to start my journey. After several sessions of mindfulness and compassion coaching, I was able to access a clearer and more confident self, which allowed me to make mindful decisions and take action in a self-compassionate and intentional way. Lisa encouraged me to follow my heart and do the next best thing for me. Through her support and authenticity, I found the courage to make necessary decisions by inspiring and accompanying me to connect more deeply with myself.
If it seems strange to think of yoga as a form of Christian prayer, it shouldn’t because Christians believe in the Incarnation. God chose to reveal God’s self in and through a human body. According to Blessed John Paul II, “Man is a person in the unity of his body and his spirit. The body can never be reduced to mere matter: it is a spiritualized body, just as man’s spirit is so closely united to the body that he can be described as an embodied spirit” (Letter to Families, 1994). If we are not spirits trapped in a body, but rather incarnate spirits, then it makes sense that we should pray with our bodies! Yoga is a prayerful celebration of the body as sacrament and a means of worshipping God with our whole being – body & spirit!
I’m forever grateful to Lisa McCrohan for bringing “Sacred Timeout” and “Stress Reduction for Catholics” to Saint Katharine Drexel Roman Catholic Church. Both classes have been offered in our adult faith formation program the past three years and are very popular among parishioners. In addition to gentle movement, Lisa incorporates into each class the art of meditation. Engaging in mindful movement as a form of prayer has been such blessing for our community.
Lisa McCrohan, LCSW-C, is an accomplished psychotherapist, yoga teacher, workshop leader, and compassion coach who brings a deep understanding of integrative healing practices to promote well being in body, mind, and spirit. Lisa has created a growing mindful parenting community on-line with her personal insights on her Barefoot Barn blog. Her “Gems of Delight” postings touch audiences far beyond parenting and bring wisdom, humility, and tenderness to the everyday challenges of becoming a more open-hearted and connected partner, parent, neighbor, and friend. Lisa is the real deal! It is evident in your first meeting with Lisa that she lives her passion—to help others find their unique path to follow what delights their hearts.
I am deeply grateful not only to work with Lisa McCrohan regularly — as editor of several print and online publications — but also to call myself her friend. Lisa shares practical advice on living a fuller, happier life through insightful, yet approachable, written pieces on a wide range of topics. Lisa has a vibrant writing voice that assures readers that small steps can make a big difference in their lives. The best part of Lisa’s writings is her inherent honesty. She often talks of her own imperfections and failings as a way to reinforce that while striving toward betterment is the goal, ultimately no one is perfect. I look forward to reading her pieces every time one lands in my inbox!
My work with Lisa through compassion coaching has truly transformed me. When I began these sessions I was broken down. Feelings of grief and anger were at the forefront of my life. Lisa was able to hold sacred space for me as I worked my way back to myself.
Lisa has the ability to see all the parts of me that needed healing- mind, body, and spirit. She used various techniques including guided meditation, cognitive restructuring, and breath work to assist my healing. She could sense what my nervous system needed in order to return it to a state of calm.
I have learned how to resource and support myself when faced with difficult emotions. Lisa deeply regarded all parts of myself which helped lead me back to loving and caring for myself. I will be forever grateful for Lisa’s authenticity and compassion while working with me.
Working with Lisa nurtures me in my own growth which allows me to nurture those around me. She is like a best friend who knows deeply who you are, who can skillfully maneuver a conversation to bring you to your own place of knowing. She has a way of getting through the noise of life and putting a spotlight on the solution to a challenge that is of my highest and best self.
Lisa gently guides and holds me through the ebbs and flows in life. She is compassionate, inspiring and REAL! She leads me to explore whatever it is I’m contemplating by creating space for dialogue, offering the right questions and reflecting back my innate goodness. She is so conscious and in tune with me as an individual. After spending time with her, I feel right within myself.
Lisa is a spiritual leader with a talent for transporting me to a calm and healing environment, with only a few soothing words. I initially sought out Lisa to help me cope with chronic pain and the struggles of graduate school. What I found was a confident, intelligent, and compassionate person with a real desire to ease my suffering. She introduced me to a new view at life, focused around mediation, and over the past few years, has drastically helped to improve my spiritual well being. I am eternally grateful that Lisa is my spiritual mentor and merely her presence in this world helps to restore my faith in humanity.
The writings from the heart that Lisa shares reach out and touch my own. Her compassionate observations of everyday life offer insights on how we can love ourselves more deeply and carefully cherish others. Too many of us struggle with guilt over not being ‘good enough’ and this hurtful thinking erodes away our inner peace and the quality of our lives. Lisa gently and lovingly teaches us how to release guilt and embrace every little thing we are doing right. She does this with her own examples, illuminating the path before us as she shows us the way. Every visit and each reading lifts my heart and brightens my world. I fully believe her loving work helps bless lives, improve relationships, strengthen families, and is thereby helping to bring very real peace to our world. My deepest gratitude blossoms out to my friend Lisa for all she shares.
When I started working with Lisa, I truly felt like my life was falling apart. I was more overwhelmed than I’ve ever been and I was fearful for the future of my marriage and my children. I now feel like I am learning to love myself. I am figuring out what I need, how to communicate that and get that for myself, and I am hopefully moving toward creating a life that I want. I have real connection with myself and my family again. Most importantly, I think I am modeling for my teenage children the self-care that I want them to have as they move through life.

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How to Get Started
I offer a free 15-minute consultation call so potential clients can ask questions and get a sense of our work together before diving in. It gives me a chance to get to know you and learn how I can best support you, too, which I find leads to a strong first session. It's a great, low-risk way to get started.