Just Be Here

Just Be Here

Saturated with the Holy Do not let your senses be saturated with so much time on your devices -- with the artificial pings and dings that disconnect you from the experience of being embodied and alive. Saturate yourself with rest. Bathe yourself in full body breaths -...

Hope Rising

Hope Rising

Last week, I was a part of facilitating a retreat for Georgetown University faculty, staff, and students that was all about sustainability, spirituality, regenerative leadership, and wellness. It was such a delight to see people in person and connect in such a...

Start With Love

Start With Love

Start With Love Let anything you desire - a small change, a big change - for yourself, for your dear ones, for the world - let it start with love. Love for yourself, your body, your dreams, your soul aches, your soul longings. Love for your dear ones, their quirky...

Earth Day: on the brink of…connection

Earth Day: on the brink of…connection

When we connect more deeply, we love more deeply. And what we love, we protect. - Lisa McCrohan Many of you know that I take a ton of pictures of nature. From the tulips in our front garden to the sunsets behind our house, I love pausing and noticing nature.   I...

Awakening to Blossom: A Springtime Guided Meditation

Awakening to Blossom: A Springtime Guided Meditation

Spring Yesterday, I dug my hands into the earth cleaned out dead leaves and blossoms from around the hydrangea bushes, lambs ear plants, cherry trees, and maple trees. Instantly the smell of dirt filled my senses. I stopped. Ahhhh the smell of spring! As I cleared out...

Give yourself the best of you – not what’s left of you

Give yourself the best of you – not what’s left of you

One Day She Realized One day she realized that the person she needed to tend to the most was her own self. Even as a mom, a lover, a healer, a friend, she understood that where she needed to put her attention - every single day – was on her own self-care. So she...

Dealing With Your “Thought Demons”

Dealing With Your “Thought Demons”

When the Clouds Roll In When the clouds roll in and it is hard to see remember that there is indeed a sun there above the clouds ready to warm you, there is indeed an earth there beneath you ready to ground you. And just because you can't see clearly in this moment,...

Saturated With The Holy

Saturated With The Holy

Saturated With The Holy Do not let your senses be saturated with so much time on your devices -- with the artificial pings and dings that disconnect you from the experience of being embodied and alive. Saturate yourself with rest. Bathe yourself in full body breaths -...

How to Honor Winter and Hygge

How to Honor Winter and Hygge

I wake up early. The sun promises to rise, but it is still dark. The wind is howling. My dog, Sherlock, notices that I am awake. He waits to see if I'll venture out of my comfy bed and go downstairs. He stays cuddled up in a large ball in his bed with one eye open...

Rest now, child, and remember: you are never alone

Rest now, child, and remember: you are never alone

This poem, story, reflection, and blessing is from the conclusion of my book, Your Light is Rising. I'd love to share it here with you... Resting in Her In meditation this evening, I laid down on the floor and I cradled my head in my hands – cupping my head ever so...

The Hand of the Beloved

The Hand of the Beloved

The Hand of the Beloved My Darling, how is it that you search for Me like a poor beggar on hands and knees frantically scrounging the dirt floor for food? My Dear Heart, if you wish, I can continue to beg and scrounge alongside you, and we can keep bruising our hands...

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