In honor of International Women’s Day…a love note to my daughter. May these words inspire you to write a note to your daughter telling her how she matters, how her voice matters, and you are there to “hold space” for her to honor her Voice Within.
My Dear Daughter,
You have a powerful voice to be honored and heard. Our home is the first place you will learn and know — deep in your bones — that your voice matters. I will hold the space for you to feel heard and regarded.
Confused? Angry? Hard to find the right words? I’m here to slow things down and give you time to listen inward and find your voice.
I am here to remind you of who you are when the world would try to squeeze you into a mold that you are not. I will be a mirror for you to see your inner beauty and goodness. I will hold space for you to discover how you want to be in this world.
And, My Love, I will love you so dearly that I will love myself so dearly, too. I will honor my own voice. I will give voice to the longings within me. I will honor my calling. I will model to you how a woman cares for herself in deep, healing ways. For I know that I am the first one you look to in order to know how a woman should regard and love herself. Forget how the world would have you do your hair and tell you what to wear. Forget how the world would tell you to be bashful and “not too powerful.” Forget how the world would have you looking at yourself from the lens of a patriarchal culture and working in a way that doesn’t honor YOUR inner way of working. For I will show you how a goddess regards her inner voice – from the soft clothing you put on your body, the free-flowing way you decide how you want your hair to flow, and the wise way you follow your own inner timing…to how you embrace ALL the parts of you — your wild side, your sensuality, your intelligence, your spirituality, your wisdom.
And My Love, I will show you how to lead a life based on asking this question: “what deeply delights my Heart?”
And that’s “heart” with a capital “H.”
Because that is the “God Within You.” And God is all about delight. Yes, that’s right…delight. Our HIStory has gotten it all wrong, My Love, all wrong. Turn to the mystics and poets, like Hafiz, who write of a god who isn’t about controlling the powerful Feminine force, but rather who delights in you being fully alive, fully embodied, and bringing into union the Sacred Feminine and Masculine.
My Dear, when we learn to skillfully turn inward, deeply listen, and then follow what delights our Hearts, we inspire our world. We are a powerful force that creates a revolution of compassion and healing for generations of men and women to come. You will empower other women and men to join alongside you in creating a world where we honor all our voices — especially those of the marginalized. And together, with all like-hearted men and women who have come before us, we will do our part to manifest such transformation.