Your Wings: Learning to Rise and Lead

Your Wings: Learning to Rise and Lead

Your Wings Why are you still playing small? Rise up, my Love. The nest you are in is too small for you. Jump out! Take a leap and fly! You were meant to soar. Your wings were meant to draw people’s eyes up to the heavens in awe. Lisa McCrohan, © 2018 I know so many...

It’s time for beauty, honor, and integrity

It’s time for beauty, honor, and integrity

It's Time for Beauty When your heart is heavy, when your eyes are tired, when you’ve been working too much and too hard, when your anxiety runs high, when you’ve read about yet another cruelty happening in our world... let it be time for beauty. Yes, pause just...

A Woman’s Peace in Midlife

A Woman’s Peace in Midlife

A Woman’s Peace in Mid-Life The older I get, the less I want, the less I look for approval, the less I base my happiness on circumstances, the less I try to change people, the less I carry, and the more I am aware of the brevity of this life, the more I trust in the...

The Call to Creativity in Midlife

The Call to Creativity in Midlife

It’s Time to Begin: The Call to Creativity in Midlife There comes a time when you know you must just begin. And though you may be caught in old habits that leave you treading water in half hopes - you trust. You trust that what you desire has been placed on your heart...

Whatever You Dream

Whatever You Dream

Whatever You Dream Whatever you dream, my dear, know that it is possible because I placed this dream within you long before you ever heard me whispering it to you. And I will make it happen because I want you to flourish and the world needs your spirit to soar. -...

Grace Meets You Where You Are

Grace Meets Us You are asleep in my arms, my precious little angel. I linger in the silence, the dark, exhausted. Even the soles of my feet ache. There were moments today when I thought I’d lose it, and moments when I did – when I felt myself cracking open, when I...

Noticing Beauty in the Ordinary

Noticing Beauty in the Ordinary

Beauty in the Ordinary I had been out with my son going around the neighborhood selling popcorn for Scouting. We had to head back inside to get ready for soccer. It was a full day. But as I walked through our front yard, I stopped when I saw this sunset. My God, may I...

Dear Daughter:  my calling as your mother

Dear Daughter: my calling as your mother

My Calling as Your Mother Dear Daughter, My calling as your mother is to lead you in the art of seeing yourself as a Beloved, to show you how to regard your body as a Temple, to hold space for you to find your voice, and to be a nourishing light on your path of...

Yes to the Mess – a Holy Invitation

Yes to the Mess – a Holy Invitation

Yes to the Mess Yes to the mess of ribbon and wrapping paper on the floor. Yes to the perfect gift you picked out and no one thanked you. Yes to the laughter and joy. Yes to the quiet ache of loneliness still lingering within you. Yes to the “best china” and the plate...

Letting Your Heart Break Wide Open – little by little

Letting Your Heart Break Wide Open – little by little

Wide Open Let your heart break. Let it break wide open. You have lost all interest in trying to keep all the pieces together anymore. Your soul wants out. Your soul wants freedom. You have been longing to stop pushing down the lump in your throat. Let your truth be...

Give into the Wildness

Give into the Wildness

There is a holy wildness growing louder within each of us. I hear it in my clients. I hear it pushing against my own ribs. The beginning of September can still be hot here in the D.C. area and, at this point, many of us are tired of it and ready for the cooler...

Completely Free – the sacred invitation of the season

Completely Free – the sacred invitation of the season

Completely Free I am barefoot now, feeling the grass between my toes, the warm sun against my shoulders. I watch my daughter snap on her helmet with little hands that seem much older than a week ago and get onto her scooter. My son zips by me on his big-boy bike....

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