reading Hands Free Mama

Last year, Rachel Macy Stafford, The Hands Free Mama, wrote to me and asked, “Can I quote you in my upcoming book, Hands Free Mama?” She had a particular post in mind (originally written for a local publication, republished here). I’m really conscious of what I put my name on. I have to believe in the message, know the message intimately in my own life, and – honestly – I have to know that the person I am supporting is truly living her message. When Rachel asked, I said, “Sure!” I believe in her, how she lives, and her awesome, awesome message. Now I assumed that it’d be a little quote, in a footnote. I don’t know why – I just did. Maybe I was in a phase of dreaming too little, too small. Well, Hands Free Mama had other plans.

Fast forward to the week before Christmas. A package was waiting for me when we got home that evening. In it — a copy of Rachel’s book and a note of thanks. Here Rachel is rockin’ the world with inspiring messages to slow down and savor what matters. Here is Rachel inspiring me to be a better writer and mom, and she takes a moment to thank ME?! This is the kind of stuff that matters.

Well, once the kiddos were in bed that night, I started reading her book. She had me with her intro. I was hooked. I teared up. They were tears of “solidarity” with another woman, another mom, who is deeply passionate, trying to listen to and live from her heart, and wants to inspire the world with the message, “YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN LIVE HANDS FREE. YOU CAN FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, YOUR HEART. YOU CAN LIVE FOCUSED ON WHAT MATTERS MOST!” They were tears of excitement for and a deep bow to Rachel.

The next day, I dropped her a line, thanking her for the book and sharing my teary “first read” experience with her. Later that day, I read more and as I flipped to page 80, I read: “One of the most impactful gems I received on my Hands Free journey came from an article called ‘Three Things to Say to Your Child Every Day’ by Lisa A. McCrohan…” She went on to share that little gem. I stopped. I smiled.

one of my gems shared in Rachel's book

It’s a humbling privilege to be a part of such an incredible book.

I have journeyed with Rachel and I see she truly lives what she preaches. The stories she shares in her book and on her blog are powerful and passionate. They speak the truth and we nod in agreement as we wipe our tears. She motivates readers to embrace their lives and focus on what matter most. Now. In this moment. And her book is FULL of practical, everyday ways to drop perfection, let go of the small stuff, and love our dear ones.

Hands Free Mama is on the shelves THIS Tuesday, January 7. You can pre-order your copy now! By this time next Friday, you could be sitting down with a warm cup of tea and reading her book.

It is a beautiful, inspiring, and simple-to-follow book that will make you cry, get real, and feel inspired to focus on what matters most.

It is a privilege to be part of such a revolution and to know Rachel. I know that you’ll be moved by her stories and words of wisdom from a mama “in the trenches” who “gets it” and inspires us to let go and grasp what really matters.

Please join me in reading Rachel Macy Stafford’s lovely, debut book.

You can pre-order your copy here: Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!

You can find Rachel’s blog here.

Many blessings,

Lisa A. McCrohan
Mom. Compassion Coach. Lover of Delight.

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