forgive yourself

Forgive yourself.  The best gift you can give yourself (and others!) might be to forgive yourself.  To let yourself off the hook.  To give yourself a break.  You’ve carried the memory of something you’ve done too long now, soul sister, on those precious shoulders of yours.  Those harsh words you whisper to yourself every day keep you in perpetual penance.

There is a benevolent presence that holds all of this life.  This world.  Yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Whatever your creed, ultimately the last thing that remains is Love.  Whether you believe in a god, many gods, an essence, consciousness, it is benevolent.  Total, complete understanding and regard.  You belong to it.

When we embrace our goodness and remember that we belong to this benevolent forgiveness, light enters into every cell of our bodies.  Clarity arises.  We feel connected to every heart and being deepen.  We soften.

So in this holiday season of gift giving and receiving, join me!  Forgive yourself…over and over again.  For the everyday ways you are human and “mess up.”  For not saying or doing the kind thing.  For speaking harshly, ignoring, hurting, and turning away.  Put your hand on that beautiful heart of yours and say, “I see you.  I forgive you.”  Whisper it, shout it, dance it as many times as you need to.

Each time you say, “I see you.  I forgive you” a space emerges.  An abundance of light, sweetness, and delight fills you and spills out into the world.  Your words with others become softer.  Harsh judgment softens.  Your very presence becomes a healing space for others to forgive their own selves.


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